Stefanie Heinzmann - Internationale Künstlerin, Pop
Seit Stefanie Heinzmann 2008 mit ihrer unverwechselbaren Stimme die Talentshow von Entertainer Stefan Raab im deutschen TV gewann, hat sie eine beeindruckende Karriere gestartet. Fünf Alben hat Stefanie seit dem veröffentlicht und wurde dafür mit zahlreichen Preisen ausgezeichnet. Unter anderem mehrfach mit dem Swiss Music Award, dem Echo, Comet, 1Live Krone und einem MTV Europe Music Award.
Stefanie ist eine authentische Persönlichkeit. Sympathisch, talentiert und mit viel Leidenschaft zur Musik steht sie für beste Musikqualität. Sie produziert seit Jahren hochwertige Musik und ihr ist hervorragende Klangqualität dabei sehr wichtig. Damit verfolgt sie das gleiche Ziel, das auch Revox mit seinen Audioprodukten verfolgt. Ein unschlagbares Team!
Established Swiss artist - Pop Rock
For 15 years now, Baschi has been a mainstay in the Swiss music scene. In addition to his musical career, he also has a recording studio where he creates audio productions for other artistes and bands with his studio partner Philippe Merk and uses Revox products.
"Revox is the absolute iconic brand for me! My musical role models from the 60s and the 70s already swore by the Revox brand.
Their expertise for sound and design fascinate me and the fact that Revox is a Swiss company makes it all even cooler.
The Revox speakers are frequently in use in our recording studio. After recording sessions, the Revox speakers serve as an original playback reference."
Stefanie & Baschi
Stefanie Heinzmann and Baschi rely on Revox
The Swiss artists Stefanie Heinzmann and Baschi belong to the Revox Family by conviction. Both rely on the true-to-original sound quality of Revox products on the go, at home and in the recording studio.
In the summer, the pop and soul singer Stefanie Heinzmann and the established Swiss artist Baschi met in his recording studio. There he has been using the Revox products for a long time, including the Revox loudspeakers serve as the original playback reference after recording sessions. When the two exceptional musicians met, it was of course also musical and the Revox loudspeakers were used directly. “For me, Revox is an absolute cult brand! Even back then, my musical role models from the 60s and 70s swore by the Revox brand. I am fascinated by their know-how in sound and design, and the fact that Revox is a Swiss company makes the whole thing even cooler, ”says Baschi. Stefanie Heinzmann also appreciates the loudspeakers: "It's always great with the Revox loudspeakers to hear songs as realistically as we imagined and recorded them."
SRF 3 Best Talent - Elektronic Music
Sensu is the new generation of Swiss music. Her heart beats for electronic music. With her sound, she gets people up and dancing, but also dreaming. Her extraordinary sounds are a breath of fresh air in the Swiss music landscape. Just like the STUDIOART speakers from Revox, which stand for a trendy audience which is young at heart.
Marius Bear
Swiss Music Award Winner “SRF 3 Best Talent” 2019 - Pop
Marius' life revolves entirely around music. He is a musician with every fibre of his being. Down-to-earth and grounded, he gives his musical creativity free rein. One notices this as soon as he appears on the stage, live and barefoot. All these are also characteristics he sees in the Revox brand: An eye for detail, uncompromising, timeless design, and a great deal of passion for the perfect sound.
Record, save, playback
An entity that has had an enduring impact on these three disciplines is entitled to call itself a media pioneer. Revox is one such company. From A for Abba to Z for Zappa: For over seven decades, the traditional.
Swiss brand Revox set the standard worldwide for studio recordings of the most well-known artistes in all music genres.
The Revox promise, since it was founded by Willi Studer, was, is and will always be achieving music playback at home that is as close as possible to studio recordings. For more than 70 years, Revox has manufactured premium audio products of the highest quality. Revox – freely translated, it means "the reproduced voice": The name itself already reflects the company's mission to reproduce even the most complex and multi-faceted of all sound sources – the human voice – in a manner that is faithful to the original in all its aspects.
True studio sound quality
With Revox, music is heard exactly as it was recorded in the studio by the artistes – in true studio sound quality. The sound reproduction is natural, harmonious, and free of any gimmicks. The high-end audio sounds elegant, yet voluminous, and the sound has a genuine yet transparent quality.
Easy operation
The unique Revox operating system offers its owner maximum functionality and freedom of design with minimum operating effort.
Quality and sustainability
Each Revox product is a special masterpiece. Utmost technical precision and uncompromising quality, not just in every component but also in the perfectly matched combination of all high-quality parts, ensure sweeping studio sound quality at any time, in any location. Sustainability plays a crucial role at Revox. This means that Revox products are developed such that they continue to remain compatible with the current product range even after a long period of time. And servicing and repairs can still be performed after many years.
Revox's design specifications are just as high as its technical quality:
timeless, sophisticated, outstanding.
The red dot Award prizes, e.g. for the STUDIOART A100 is evidence of this. Statement from the panel of judges: "The slim, sleek design of the speaker fits
seamlessly into a modern interior and has the advantage that the sound is radiated in a manner that fills the room".
Revox family
As a company, we and our employees, our partners, our fans, and our brand ambassadors are part of the proactive Revox family.
Revox employees put their minds, hands and hearts into creating what this brand stands for.

Benno Ketterer
“Every Revox product is a safe investment into a long life with music – including premium service.”
Benno Ketterer is head of the service department and as a service specialist has been attending to our Revox customers for almost 42 years. He himself therefore is the best guarantor for our longterm Revox service quality. From the legendary tape machines to the present Revox products – Benno Ketterer is familiar with every single product in the 70-year-long history of the company. He looks after a spare parts store that many owners of historic Revox products prefer to call a real treasure chamber.
Willi Studer, the founder of the company, already insisted not only on the highest product quality and durability, but also on a service quality that supports and complements this kind of durability and the high preservation of value. For Revox customers, it always was a substantial reason to buy. From current Revox products to complete restorations of highly complex “talking machines” from the 1970s: Benno Ketterer today ensures that Revox products remain as good as new.
“Reproducing the human voice and music in all its desirable facets is the challenge that is already described in the name of Revox.”
Jürgen Lindemann is head of development at Revox. His expertise determines how a Revox system makes the high quality standards of the brand truly audible. Revox – translated from Latin means “the reproduced voice”. This name, deliberately chosen by the media pioneer Willi Studer, implies the high demand of replicating the human voice, which is the most multi-faceted and difficult of all sound sources in making it audible again as desired.
With the Revox components, Jürgen Lindemann develops the technological bridges from the original recorded sound to its true reproduction. He does it with the mathematical expertise of a natural scientist and engineer and he does it with the passion and the keen ear of an experienced music enthusiast. Reproducing voices and music as they were originally recorded is the aim of every Revox solution. Realising this true studio sound quality – that is what Jürgen Lindemann stands for.

Axel Dold
“Revox today, just as seventy years ago, is the name for highest manufacturing quality. This is what I guarantee every day with my signature.”
Axel Dold is responsible for quality management at Revox. No Revox product leaves the Villingen-Schwenningen factory and is delivered to the customer without his approval. But Axel Dold is not only the strict inspector of components supplied by long-standing production partners nor is he just the quality controller at the end of the manufacturing process.
Axel Dold is the colleague who provides help and advice to all other colleagues when it comes to optimising processes and eliminating quality risks in production up front. And because quality assurance at Revox is based on dialogue with everybody involved, Axel Dold is always open to listen to what his colleagues have to say. Assuring the quality of each Revox product as a team, that is Axel Dold’s everyday responsibility.
This is what he signs off with his good name.
“The people at Revox pass the knowledge for the future on to us – and make us feel at home.”
Karolina Justus and Luca Knapp, trainees at Revox, represent the next Revox generati on. Karolina decided on an office management program, Luca is trained as a technician for systems and devices. Karolina and Luca have been fully integrated team players right from the start of their trainee program. Karolina for instance has taken on important assistant tasks in the marketing and sales divisions.
Both trainees benefit from the accumulated knowledge and the experience of a company that is among the media pioneers who has set decisive landmarks from recording to storing to reproducing speech and music. They benefit from a company that is clearly focused on the future. And they benefit from a brand that has clearly understood that it must bring its values and ideals to life every day within the company itself.

Revox Partner distributors: Our specialist distributors provide Revox customers with exceptional service. An active partnership based on loyalty and commitment.
Brand network Connected Comfort: Smart. Individual. Premium. That is Connected Comfort. Your investment in the future. An active brand network for modern living: Gira| Brumberg |Dornbracht| Revox |Vailant| Viega. Find out more at:
GIRA: Intelligent building automation meets home entertainment. The companies Gira and Revox are united by a long-standing and successful partnership for implementing intelligent smart home solutions. Find out more about Gira:
Feller: On the Swiss market, the companies Feller and Revox have a long-standing and successful partnership. Together, we fulfil customer requirements for innovative integrated systems and products for controlling devices and living spaces. Find out more about Feller:
KNX: Prevailing standards are important for long-term customer satisfaction. For many years now, the partnership in the KNX network has existed. KNX is a globally recognised standard for the intelligent networking of electrical installations in buildings with a bus system. Find out more about KNX: or
Bernd Schneider is an active member of the Revox forum and the Studer Revox forum. He organises the annual Revox fan meeting.
“Revox is one of the rare brands that preserve the legendary past, leave their mark in the present and look ahead into the future.”
People like Bernd Schneider are one-of-a-kind brand advocates. For him, the passion for Revox also started with a product, a tape machine from the B700 range that combined all the characteristics that Bernd Schneider thinks are still typical for the brand today: “... high quality and professional with unparalleled precision and superior materials, still produced in Germany.”
What Bernd Schneider still finds fascinating about “his” brand today, 40 years after he purchased his first Revox product, is the coherent, consistent brand image from product quality to service, which, as he puts it, “seeks its equal and doesn’t find it anywhere.” A brand that does not stir any emotions is ‘de facto‘ worthless. Talk to Bernd Schneider about Revox and you will understand the brand‘s value.