Активная акустическая система 3.1 с возможностью воспроизведения файлов до 192кГц/24бит для просмотра телевизора или кино. Отличное звучание и воспроизведение речи даже при низких уровнях громкости. Встроенный сабвуфер с двумя портами фазоинвертора отвечает за воспроизведение баса.

159 500 ₽
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HiFi Test 04/2020
AUDIO 04/2020
HiFi Test 02/2020
lite magazin 2020
HEIMKINO 03/2020
AUDIO TEST 03/2020
Digital Home 02/2020
Satvision 04/2020
«Очень хороший»
LowBeats 09/2020
Как никто другой. S100 не только убедительно звучит в качестве основы для домашнего кинотеатра, но и как отдельная музыкальная система. Благодаря технологии тихого звука (Silent Sound) и специально разработанному алгоритму, динамикам high-end класса и невероятно тихим усилителям команда специалистов Revox смогла добиться высококачественного воспроизведения музыки даже на низких уровнях громкости.
Будь то рок, классическая музыка, сундтреки или шепот главного героя фильма, S100 справляется со всем. Недюжие «умственные» способности и впечатляющее качество звучания делают саундбар идеальным аудиорешением. Вы можете воспроизводить музыку различными способами: по сети, через Bluetooth, AirPlay. Наличие нескольких HDMI портов и других разъемов позволяет подключить к S100 телевизоры, BluRay и CD-проигрыватели. Наслаждайтесь прослушиванием своей музыкальной коллекции или включите iRadio, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal. Вы можете управлять S100 с пульта ДУ, приложения Revox app или при помощи сенсорных кнопок на саундбаре. Если вы хотите создать мультирум систему, то S100 легко и просто подключается к другим продуктам серии STUDIOART.
Доберитесь до вершины, получите максимум возможностей.
Система Revox STUDIOART будет расти вместе с вашими пожеланиями – хоть в каждой комнате вашего дома или квартиры. Количество комбинаций практически безгранично. Мультирум система Revox STUDIOART будет воспроизводить музыку с любого интегрированного в нее источника именно так, как вам это нужно или нравится. Управление системой осуществляется при помощи бесплатного приложения Revox STUDIOART app (IOS или Android) с интуитивно понятным интерфейсом.
Возможные комбинации продукции STUDIOART

Беспроводной объемный звук:
S100 и две A100 в качестве беспроводной связки для впечатляющего объемного звука.

Объемный звук:
S100 и комбинация A100/P100 в качестве связки для впечатляющего объемного звука.

Беспроводной домашний кинотеатр 5.1:
S100, две A100 и один сабвуфер B100 для создания беспроводного домашнего кинотеатра 5.1 с мощным басом.

S100 и B100:
S100 и B100 – беспроводной дуэт для мощного воспроизведения низких частот.
вес (кг): 10.2
длина (мм): 145
высота (мм): 118
ширина (мм): 1000
электрическая розетка
210 Вт
звуковое давление
макс. 100дБ/ 1м
частотный диапазон
44 - 20000 Гц
3 x HDMI-In, 210VA,1 x RJ45 (Ethernet), 1 x USB-A (сервисные нужды), 1 x TV (HDMI ARC), 1 x TOS Link (оптический), 1 x RCA Stereo (Analog In), 1 x RCA (Sub Out), 1 x RCA (Coaxial), 1 x AC 110 – 240В
WLAN, Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, KleerNet, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, Dolby Audio, HDMI, Podcasts, iRadio, Digital-In Optical, Digital-In Coax
силовой кабель, адаптер питания, руководство пользователя.

HiFi Test 04/2020
„ … With the S100 soundbar, B100 active subwoofer and the compact A100 universal speakers, music playback at the highest sound level is possible without any problems. The excellently processed products shine through simple operation and problem-free integration into wireless networks, deliver music from the server, smartphone or streaming services and can be combined to a powerful, wireless 5.1 home cinema set. With its neutral, high-resolution style of playing, the Revox Studioart 5.1 set is ideal for demanding playback of film sound and also HiFi.“
Test result STUDIOART 5.1: Outstanding

AUDIO 04/2020
„ … Revox revs up again: With the Studioart S100, the traditional brand not only offers a cool soundbar, but the basis for a wireless 5.1 system. …But even on its own, the S100 has a remarkable sound power. …“
Test result S100: Top Class

HiFi Test 02/2020
„ … With the new Studioart S100 Audiobar sound system, Revox more than lives up to its own very high demands for the highest playback quality. …Thanks to its amazingly neutral and fine-resolution playing style, the S100 audio bar is a real recommendation as a sound system for the television as well as an independent hi-fi system. Revox Studioart S100 Audiobar - the sound of the professionals sounds so good!…“
Test result S100: Outstanding

HEIMKINO 03/2020
„ … In terms of dynamics, this smart sound system can also inspire, absolutely clean and precise, rich bass is reproduced even at higher volumes. The S100 collected a particularly large number of plus points in its practical test thanks to its incorruptible neutrality and crystal-clear dialogue reproduction - this sound system is therefore also to be recommended without restriction for classical music reproduction from stereo sources at a very high level.“
Test result S100: Sublime

lite magazin 2020
„ … And it's worth every penny! First of all, it fulfills almost all HiFi requirements - also thanks to WLAN, Bluetooth and app control. On the other hand, it inspires with an absolute top sound, regardless of the music or TV program. In addition there is an outstanding design, the exquisite choice of materials and the excellent workmanship. If you want to combine home cinema, streaming and the option of an expandable system at the highest level, the S100 is guaranteed to be right. In short: The S100 is an investment that is worth it in every way!...“
Test result S100: Top Class

AUDIO TEST 03/2020
„ … Then as now, the Swiss cult manufacturer Revox stood for progressive and uncompromising sound HiFi. This is also impressively demonstrated with the new studio type S100 audio bar. A very well coordinated driver ensemble and a cleverly working DSP give the device a stage width, which is rarely found in devices of this type.“
Test result S100: Excellent

Digital Home 02/2020
„ … You can even create a multiroom setup, and the Revox B100 Bass Module and the A100 Room Speaker can even be combined with the S100 Audiobar to create a real 5.1 surround set without any annoying cables. …“
Test result S100: Outstanding

„ … The Revox Studioart S100 Audiobar achieved 94.5 percentage points in our practical test and thus the top grade "very good". It impresses with excellent workmanship and a sound quality that is convincing in both film and music reproduction with an amazing depth. Due to the sophisticated "Revox Studioart" app and the high-quality remote control, operation has also proven to be extremely convenient, while the connection offer leaves nothing to be desired in terms of audio connections. With Bluetooth aptX, AirPlay, DLNA and the integrated music streaming services Spotify, Deezer and Tidal, the equipment of the sound bar, which can optionally be integrated into a multiroom or 5.1 system, is also impressive. …“
Test result S100: Very good
вес (кг): 10.2
длина (мм): 145
высота (мм): 118
ширина (мм): 1000
электрическая розетка
210 Вт
звуковое давление
макс. 100дБ/ 1м
частотный диапазон
44 - 20000 Гц
3 x HDMI-In, 210VA,1 x RJ45 (Ethernet), 1 x USB-A (сервисные нужды), 1 x TV (HDMI ARC), 1 x TOS Link (оптический), 1 x RCA Stereo (Analog In), 1 x RCA (Sub Out), 1 x RCA (Coaxial), 1 x AC 110 – 240В
WLAN, Bluetooth, AirPlay 2, KleerNet, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, Dolby Audio, HDMI, Podcasts, iRadio, Digital-In Optical, Digital-In Coax
силовой кабель, адаптер питания, руководство пользователя.

HiFi Test 04/2020
„ … With the S100 soundbar, B100 active subwoofer and the compact A100 universal speakers, music playback at the highest sound level is possible without any problems. The excellently processed products shine through simple operation and problem-free integration into wireless networks, deliver music from the server, smartphone or streaming services and can be combined to a powerful, wireless 5.1 home cinema set. With its neutral, high-resolution style of playing, the Revox Studioart 5.1 set is ideal for demanding playback of film sound and also HiFi.“
Test result STUDIOART 5.1: Outstanding

AUDIO 04/2020
„ … Revox revs up again: With the Studioart S100, the traditional brand not only offers a cool soundbar, but the basis for a wireless 5.1 system. …But even on its own, the S100 has a remarkable sound power. …“
Test result S100: Top Class

HiFi Test 02/2020
„ … With the new Studioart S100 Audiobar sound system, Revox more than lives up to its own very high demands for the highest playback quality. …Thanks to its amazingly neutral and fine-resolution playing style, the S100 audio bar is a real recommendation as a sound system for the television as well as an independent hi-fi system. Revox Studioart S100 Audiobar - the sound of the professionals sounds so good!…“
Test result S100: Outstanding

HEIMKINO 03/2020
„ … In terms of dynamics, this smart sound system can also inspire, absolutely clean and precise, rich bass is reproduced even at higher volumes. The S100 collected a particularly large number of plus points in its practical test thanks to its incorruptible neutrality and crystal-clear dialogue reproduction - this sound system is therefore also to be recommended without restriction for classical music reproduction from stereo sources at a very high level.“
Test result S100: Sublime

lite magazin 2020
„ … And it's worth every penny! First of all, it fulfills almost all HiFi requirements - also thanks to WLAN, Bluetooth and app control. On the other hand, it inspires with an absolute top sound, regardless of the music or TV program. In addition there is an outstanding design, the exquisite choice of materials and the excellent workmanship. If you want to combine home cinema, streaming and the option of an expandable system at the highest level, the S100 is guaranteed to be right. In short: The S100 is an investment that is worth it in every way!...“
Test result S100: Top Class

AUDIO TEST 03/2020
„ … Then as now, the Swiss cult manufacturer Revox stood for progressive and uncompromising sound HiFi. This is also impressively demonstrated with the new studio type S100 audio bar. A very well coordinated driver ensemble and a cleverly working DSP give the device a stage width, which is rarely found in devices of this type.“
Test result S100: Excellent

Digital Home 02/2020
„ … You can even create a multiroom setup, and the Revox B100 Bass Module and the A100 Room Speaker can even be combined with the S100 Audiobar to create a real 5.1 surround set without any annoying cables. …“
Test result S100: Outstanding

„ … The Revox Studioart S100 Audiobar achieved 94.5 percentage points in our practical test and thus the top grade "very good". It impresses with excellent workmanship and a sound quality that is convincing in both film and music reproduction with an amazing depth. Due to the sophisticated "Revox Studioart" app and the high-quality remote control, operation has also proven to be extremely convenient, while the connection offer leaves nothing to be desired in terms of audio connections. With Bluetooth aptX, AirPlay, DLNA and the integrated music streaming services Spotify, Deezer and Tidal, the equipment of the sound bar, which can optionally be integrated into a multiroom or 5.1 system, is also impressive. …“
Test result S100: Very good